My baking time has been limited of late; however, with the holidays around the corner, that's about to change. For example, I'm hosting a pumpkin carving party in October, so I'll have Halloween cupcakes, other holiday treats, and party ideas to share. I'll also link to some cool ideas I've found on the Interwebs to share the cute. Stay tuned - I plan to give this blog some TLC in the near future (and I don't mean that I'm going to sing "Don't go chasing waterfalls").
Anyway, today I want to share with you a cupcake from my past. I hosted a baby shower for a friend some time ago (in my pre-blog days). The party had a sock monkey theme, so I made some monkey cupcakes. Check them out - cute AND tasty.
(Note: the shower was also during my pre-awesome DSLR days. Apologies for the photo quality.)
For instructions on how to decorate your own monkey cupcakes (and for some better photos), visit Amber's Delectable Delights.
You can use any cake/frosting combo - I went with a classic yellow cake and chocolate frosting. Happy baking!